About Claire
I have been a picture fanatic since I got my first camera over 30 years ago. I love taking pictures of family and friends for every occasion. Before the age of digital photography, I used film cameras to capture the moments. I preserved these pictorial memories in over 100 personalized scrap books and photo albums. Ask anyone who knows me how much I love taking pictures and sharing them with everyone. Now I use the world wide web to distribute my pictures for anyone to see. My Flickr site contains nearly every digital picture I have ever taken and some of my favorites are on myfamily.com and Facebook. As you can tell I continue to embrace new technologies to spread my joy of picture taking. This led me down the path of creating DVD's for special events in my life. I discovered that putting the right music with the right pictures is a very powerful and emotional experience. So this has become my new passion and I have created over 50 DVD slideshows already. Let me create one for you and I guarantee you will not be disappointed.